About Our Coaches

Megan Morat

Megan Morat

I’m a 34-year old NASM Certified Personal Trainer & NASM Certified Nutrition Coach as well as a freelance graphic designer by degree. I live in Sarasota Florida and love all things fitness, nutrition and adventure! I spend my weekdays at a desk or in a gym working with clients, but the weekend is when you’ll always catch me out exploring! I am forever learning, growing and encouraging others to do the same. My job as a Fitness & Nutrition Coach has been the greatest blessing to me and I like to say I learn just as much from my clients as they do from me.  I am proficient in empowering every single person I meet to be on an endless pursuit of their best body and life. I live by the motto: Life is a limited time offer, live accordingly. I am so grateful to have been able to assist hundreds of individuals learn how truly strong and resilient they are – inside and out, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Olivia Wishman

Liv is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist with a strong background in the fitness and healthcare fields.  Her Master’s degree in Sports Medicine and experience as a Certified Athletic Trainer working with a diverse range of people from the general population to professional athletes and closely with doctors and surgeons allows her to bring a unique and highly personalized approach to her coaching that goes beyond just workouts and nutritional guidance. While she has a strong passion for the sport of bodybuilding herself, her foundation is rooted in the importance of living a healthy, flexible lifestyle while building strength and confidence. She thoroughly enjoys helping others on their journey to establishing a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for themselves and recognizing their true self worth by improving their relationship with themselves. I am so grateful to have her on our team!

Olivia Wishman
Corey Jones

Corey Jones

Corey is based in Sandy, Utah and trains in-person at a gym where he lives, as well as online/remotely for Megmo Fitness LLC. He is a certified personal trainer through NASM and has also accumulated various other certificates including: Functional Movement Systems Level 1, Certified Functional Strength Coach Level 1, NASM Mental Toughness and most recently, he became a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach.

He’s worked with hundreds of clients (in person & online) with all different backgrounds with many different goals. He has a passion for sharing his love of weightlifting, being active outdoors and leading an enjoyable, sustainable life. Corey is such a fantastic addition to our team and brings so much perspective and value into our training protocols.